Underground poker phil and antonio

The 5th annual burning man certainly used the. Name pros such as an fbi agents working out a british poker tour title at the world series of.

Documentary. Director: Jon Bulette. Starring: Antonio Esfandiari, Phil Laak. Language: ENGLISH. "Подпольный покер" с Филом Лааком и Антонио Эсфандиари Фил Лаак и Антонио Эсфандиари снимутся в новом шоу канала Discovery. Данное шоу анонсировалось каналом достаточно давно, а суть его заключается в том, чтобы рассказать зрителям о темной стороне карточных игр - подпольных турнирах. Underground poker in New York | “I dealt to Phil Ivey” Search for Poker. Find poker clubs, tournaments, cash games. Enter location: address, city or country.Someone is willing to claim he played with Phil Ivey at one table and everyone is free to ask anything from him. He wasn’t going to prove anything, no one was going to check this info – you may...

Antonio "The Magician" Esfandiari (Persian: امیر اسفندیاری ‎; born December 8, 1978 as Amir Esfandiary), is a professional poker player and former professional magician, known for his elaborate chip tricks. Esfandiari was the face of the now-defunct poker site, Ultimate Poker.

Phil Laak(left) and Antonio Esfandiari(right) It’s poker in the air this September. Two poker pros of modern times, Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak will be ... Esfandiari And Laak Go Way Back - PokerTube 20:15 19 Apr. The story you’re about to read is about two of the most entertaining poker figures in history: Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak. Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak to ... - Online Poker News Phil Laak(left) and Antonio Esfandiari(right) It’s poker in the air this September. Two poker pros of modern times, Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak will be ... “Underground Poker” Driven By Esfandiari and Laak, Shows ...

Originally Posted by antecedens you can also buy it on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Poker-Underground/dp/B00NH12IGS but it

Sep 09, 2014 · Phil Laak(left) and Antonio Esfandiari(right) It’s poker in the air this September. Two poker pros of modern times, Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak will be starring in an exclusive TV show, Underground Poker on the Discovery Channel. It comes as a part of poker themed “All-In, All-Night” series which will feature 3 shows starting on 10th September. Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak to Star in Underground Poker 8 Sep 2014 ... Phil Laak and Antonio Esfandiari will star in Discovery Channel's “Underground Poker,” which premieres on Wednesday, September 10. Phil Laak, Antonio Esfandiari Poker Documantary "Underground ... 10 Sep 2014 ... The pilot episode of “Underground Poker” airs tonight on the Discovery Channel at 10pm EST. Close friends Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak ...

Mickey Appleman - Wikipedia

A players' guide to poker, covering poker rules, strategies, poker rooms and the latest poker news Inside Underground Poker - VidInfo Across New York City, an underground economy exists that pulsates with danger, allure and adrenaline — generated by clandestine high-stakes poker games. Top Poker Players in Movies & Music Videos - Casino.org Blog Professional poker players live fairly glamorous lifestyles, which is ideal for Hollywood. Find out which pros have made cameos in movies and music videos.

Antonio "The Magician ... Antonio Esfandiari began shooting a ... Esfandiari paired with fellow poker professional Phil Laak on 'Underground Poker' which aired on the ...

Sep 10, 2014 · On Wednesday, September 10 the Discovery Channel will air the new poker TV show Underground Poker, which stars Antonio Esfandiari and Phil Laak. Poker Underground (starring Antonio and Phil) - Televised Sep 13, 2014 · Poker Underground (starring Antonio and Phil) Plenty of great movies have used poker hands to create tension. They are not going out into left field to use hands and tough decisions and the risk of draws to show how much fun poker can be. 'Underground Poker' Pilot Airs On Discovery Channel

Origin of Being Felted – A Conversation with Phil Laak | PokerNews